
arrange a cremation - feature image

How do I arrange a cremation?

In this article, we’re going to talk about how to arrange a cremation.

Once you or your loved one has decided on cremation as the best option for final disposition, the next steps are to arrange for the actual cremation to take place. Here is a step-by-step guide for you to plan or arrange a cremation with simplicity, affordability, and peace of mind.

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Burials, cremation, and more

Final Disposition Options: Cremation, Burial, and More

Final disposition is what happens to a body after death. What are your options for burial? For cremation? And what alternatives are available?

Planning ahead and making your final arrangements in advance is a great idea. This will save your loved ones from tons of stress, and it will probably save them money as well.

The first decision you’ll face in thinking about your funeral arrangements is the question of what to do with your body.

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Traveling with Ashes

How To [Safely] Travel With Cremated Remains

If you are traveling a long distance by car or flying to retrieve the cremated remains of one parent or both, you will probably want to take the remains with you back home. Or perhaps you might want to honor a last wish and scatter them somewhere with sentimental value.

Cremation is a popular practice that affords different options to honor a dead parent or keep them close. Whether you are honoring a final wish to scatter the ashes somewhere sentimental or take them back with you, you will want to keep the remains as safe as possible depending on the traveling methods.

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14 Questions on Considering Cremation

14 Questions to Ask the Funeral Home About Cremation

Are you considering cremation, but aren’t even sure what questions to ask?

If you think you may choose cremation as the disposition method in your or a loved one’s final disposition, it’s important to know some basic information about the cremation process. There are many options, and this isn’t a topic we think about every day.

We’re here to help you get an idea of what options are available, what issues are important to you, and what services and pitfalls you should avoid.

Here are the questions to ask the funeral home about cremation.

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