Grief & Loss

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How to Write Messages for Condolences Email

In this modern era, it’s good to know how to express sympathy in a condolences email.

Perhaps a close co-worker or your manager has experienced the recent loss of a loved one. Or maybe a team member you are only acquainted with has been out on bereavement leave, and you’d like to let them know you are thinking about them.

Whatever the case – and while it’s preferable to send a sympathy card – sometimes a sympathy email is the best (or only) option.

But how to say “sorry for your loss” professionally? Today we’ll take a look at how to go about writing (er, typing) a professional condolences email.

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What To Say When Someone Dies – And What Not To Say

What should you say when someone dies? And what exactly should you avoid saying? These are age-old questions, and you’re not the first person to wonder about the answers. No matter how much time passes – or how many people you know that have lost a loved one – it never seems to get any easier to know what to say.

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Quotes to Honor a Loved One

101 Beautiful Ways to Say Rest in Peace

What does “R.I.P.” mean? Do people still say it? What’s the best way to express the wish that a loved one may rest in peace?

If you or someone you know has lost a loved one, it’s appropriate to put words to your wish that they may be at peace, wherever they are now.

Here are 101 rest in peace quotes to honor the memory of a special person.

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Grief New Year Quotes to Express Sympathy on New Years

New Year’s Eve, often synonymous with a fresh start and togetherness, can be incredibly challenging for grieving family members.

As the whole world anticipates the New Year, you or your loved one may find themselves grappling with the pain of grief, the memories of past celebrations, and the absence of loved ones who once filled these cherished moments.

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My Husband Died and I Want Him Back: Grief & Growth

“My husband died and I want him back. He was the love of my life, my best friend, my soul mate, my life partner, my companion.” 

It’s a highly personal, yet also very common response to the loss of a spouse.

After your husband’s passing, it’s only natural to want him back. But for some, the enormity of grief keeps the surviving spouse from growing, grieving, and living life in a healthy way.

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Father Loss Sympathy Gift Ideas

10+ Meaningful Sympathy Gifts for Loss of Father

Finding the perfect condolence gift for someone enduring the loss of father can be difficult. 

If your friend or loved one was very close to their father, this loss will be hitting them pretty hard. Even if they weren’t that close to their dad, there’s no doubt they’ve still lost a monumental figure in their life.

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100 Promising Bible Verses About Grief and Hope

The Bible has much to say about grief, hope, and comfort in a time of loss. In fact, one might view the central theme of the Scriptures as one of suffering — specifically, the suffering of the Righteous One on behalf of those who suffer from sin and have no hope.

A careful, faithful reading of God’s word provides “all things that pertain to life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3). This is particularly true for those who grieve.

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