Grieving over and missing someone you love is a big deal. It’s not always easy to give voice to the thoughts and emotions inside you.
These swell up to tears and down to numbness, then repeat, and it seems like no one else understands or can fathom.
The 22 honest missing someone quotes about grief are provided here to help you find the right words to express just how much you miss your loved one. Feel free to share, pin, or save as your background or screen saver, just be sure to link back to this post when sharing online.
Missing You Quotes
Rich, meaningful, and short quotes about remembering someone who died.
1. Grief: The last act of love
Grief is the last act of love we can give to those we loved. Where there is deep grief, there was great love.

2. I miss you
I miss you. A little too much, a little too often, and a little bit more every day.

3. I still think of you
I keep myself busy
with the things I do.
But every time I pause,
I still think of you.
(Buy prints: Color Photo – Text only in Black & White, Calming Blue, Soothing Green)

4. Honest quotes about grief: Tonight
And tonight I’ll fall asleep with you in my heart.

5. Breathe
No matter how long it’s been, there are times when it suddenly becomes harder to breathe.
Urns Made in the USA

6. Heartache
It’s the kind of heartache you can feel in your bones.

7. I’ll be OK
I’ll be OK… just not today.

8. I’ll miss you forever
I think I’ll miss you forever, like the stars miss the sun in the morning skies.

9. The silent language of grief
Tears are the silent language of grief.
– Voltaire

10. Not okay
It is perfectly okay to admit you’re not okay.

11. My first thought
My first thought in the morning is always you.

12. Grief never ends
Grief never ends… But it changes.
It’s a passage, not a place to stay.
Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith…
It is the price of love.

13. Rain & rainbows
No rain, no rainbow.

14. Grief quotes: Learning to swim
Grief is like the ocean; it comes in waves, ebbing and flowing.
Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming.
All we can do is learn to swim.
– Vicki Harrison

15. Wisdom from Winnie the Pooh
How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.
– Winnie the Pooh

Related: Saying Goodbye Quotes
16. There are days…
There are days I cannot participate in life.

17. Missing you: Then it hits you
Then it hits you so much harder than you ever thought it would.

18. To-do list
Things to do today:

1. Get up
2. Survive
3. Go back to bed
19. Honest quotes about grief: Happiness

You have no idea of the amount of happiness you brought into my life.
20. Missing you today
Honestly, I spent today missing you and that is probably how I will spend tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that.

21. Just once
If you asked me how many times you’ve crossed my mind, I would say once because you never really left.

22. Blessed are those who mourn
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
– Jesus, in Matthew 5:4

More Miss You Quotes About Grief & Loss
We have many beautiful In Loving Memory quotes about missing someone:
- 20 Funeral Quotes for a Eulogy – more meme-style quotes, ideal for memorials and eulogies
- 31 Comforting Bible Verses – meme-style Scripture verse quotes
- Great Quotes on Grief – a large collection of quotes about grief from popular authors
Continue reading for even more missing someone special quotes.
23. You’re everywhere
You’re everywhere except right here and it hurts.
– Rupi Kaur

24. I miss you. So. Much.
There is no eloquence to it. I just miss you.

25. No such thing as separation
For those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation.
– Rumi
26. Memories
Sometimes, happy memories hurt the worst.
27. Yet you are not here
I wake to you everywhere. Yet you are not here.
– Nayyirah Waheed

28. Absence every day
It hurts every day… the absence of someone who once was there.
29. Waiting for you
I think a part of me will always be waiting for you.
30. Grief is love
Grief is love turned into an eternal missing.
– Rosamund Lupton
31. Just… gone
It’s sad how you were such a big part of my life an now you’re just gone.
32. Old friends
Your heart and my heart are very, very old friends.
Missing Someone in Heaven Quotes
33. The Sky looks different

“The Sky looks different when you have someone you love up there.” — Unknown
34. I missed you today

“I missed you today, just as I missed you yesterday. Just as I will miss you for the rest of my life.” — Unknown
Related: Inspirational Quotes about Death
35. There is no eloquence

“There is no eloquence to it. I just miss you.” — Unknown
36. If I miss you any harder

“If I miss you any harder, my heart may come looking for you.” — Gemma Troy
37. I miss you

“I miss you, but heaven is so, so lucky to have you.” — Unknown
38. I look up and talk to you…

“I look up and talk to you when no one else is listening.” — Unknown
39. I wish heaven

“I wish heaven had a telephone so I could still hear your voice from time to time.” — Unknown
40. To the one

“To the one who looks at me from the sky, I miss you more than you will ever know.” — Unknown
41. That moment

“That moment when you need someone, but they’re in heaven…so you cry instead.” — Unknown
42. There are days

“There are days when your absence is the loudest silence I’ve ever heard.” — Joanne Cacciatore
43. My body may remain here

“My body may remain here on earth, but my heart and soul are over there with you, in heaven.” — Unknown
44. Some days

Some days I look up at the stars and I see you you smiling at me, eyes dancing with moonlight.
45. I often

“I often walk down memory lane, for I know I will run into you there.” — Unknown
Read Next: Uplifting Quotes for Those Who Grieve

I loved all of those quotes, I lost my Uncle in a tragically last October, and honestly the pain never seems to end…I can’t even believe it’s almost been a year however I’m still rambling on about him only the good die young huh?
So, as tears stream down my face this morning like many mornings, I realize that I am not alone in my grief. Life just hasn’t been the same since I lost my husband (age 52) to cancer in December and my Dad in April. The two most important men in my life. I miss them so. And instead of getting easier, it seems to get harder. Loss is difficult, time two it is doubly hard……
I lost my precious Mama 19 days ago and I am heartbroken. She lived with me the last year and I am so lonesome. She was my best friend and some days…..
Grief is not just about death. It is also relevant to lost love, missing a lover, a friend, amissed chance. Like two ships passing in the night and not being able to communicate.
i found out my wife had been cheating on me a week before christmas last year. it still hurts so much every day. she was my soulmate, but unfortunately i wasnt hers. and the pain never really gets easier. you just learn to live with it.
I love missing u quotes
i want to thank you. i am not of many words these days, but much thanks.
mine is too fresh to share; i appreciate you giving this.
i want to thank you. i am not of many words these days, but much thanks.
mine is too fresh to share; i appreciate you giving this.
Thank you.I have no words.
These quotes tell everyone what I do not say. I lost my daughter 1 year ago. She was 3O. And left behind the love of her life and 4 small children. My heart and my life will never be the same. Thank God my 2 sons have such patience with me. Thank you so much for sharing these with everyone.
I just lost my brother and best friend on February 1,2016 it was so sudden never did i think I will loose him and all this quotes are just beautiful I will always remember him he was the best ……. RIP
I just lost my brother and best friend on February 1,2016 it was so sudden never did i think I will loose him and all this quotes are just beautiful I will always remember him he was the best ……. RIP
I have tried to explain to people how my daughter, who died suddenly at age 30 two years ago, is always in my mind in some way, even when I’m doing something, not just specifically thinking about her. So yes, “If you asked me how many times you’ve crossed my mind I would say once because you never really left.”
It has been 18 months since the love of my life died. He was my best friend and confident. Thank you for these quotes. The second year seems worse, because I am no longer numb.
In 3 years time I lost my beloved husband ,my father,my mother, my younger sister, my step son and two very dear friends. I think that I lost me for several years after that. It has been 23 years and still at times the sorrow can overwhelm me. These quotes speak more clearly than my battered heart can. Thank you.
I lost my son, my only child 6 months ago he had just turned 27. I can relate to all the quotes, losing a child hurts deep in your soul. Its not only painful every second of my day, its very lonely too because most people avoid talking to me maybe they don’t know what to say so they say nothing. Its hard enough going through grief, doing it totally alone makes is even harder, so these quotes bring me some peace.
Tears are pouring down my face as I read these quotes & each one is so true. Grief seems to be getting harder after my husband of 33 years passed away at age 56 last December, the anniversary is approaching & the build up is painful. People think you are ok & moving on, but the pain stays & like the quote, I can pretend, but inside I’m screaming.
i lost my auntie (mum’s younger sister) at 26 yrs of age, 3 years ago but it feels like yday everyday. she was my best auntie ever. we spoke everyday, i miss her and this pain is too much…??
I loss my child 6 yrs ago and at times I’m still overwhelmed with triggers! I also loss my sister bout 6 mos after ! I can’t believe this was my new reality! Being without them! My baby.. wish I could just hug one last time! Oh how I miss him!
on may 22, 2019 i lost my best friend my protector my beautiful mother she was everything to me and she was the one person that truly loved me 300% the love she gave to me and my siblings and to my niece and nephew was unconditional and rare I won’t never get that love back my mom was the best mother she was an understanding mom we talked about everything that was going on in our lives and she wasn’t a perfect person but to me she was the stars in the galaxy…REST IN PARADISE MAMA UNTIL WE BOTH MEET AGAIN ONE DAY YOU’LL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN GOD BLESS YOUR BEAUTIFUL SOUL..XOXOXO
Tomorrow will mark 4yrs since I lost my nephew at pulse night club.. i was told, it will get easier in times but every year it gets harder.. he was more than a nephew, he was my baby ? rest up Jason Benjamin Josaphat
It’s been five weeks since my wife took her last breath. She was my soulmate, she was my best friend, she literally was everything to me. My happiness was when I made her happy. I can truly say that I love her more than life. Since we had no children, I am so extremely alone now. The grief is unbearable, to be sure, but also the question of motivation. All my plans were with her, and now that she is gone, what is left? What is my reason to go on? When I can find the answer to that, I may start to heal.
I lost my best friend just 11 days ago, going through a rollercoaster of emotions every minute. Worst part is I couldn’t go say my final goodbye as everything happened so fast and it was so far away, I wasn’t gonna make it. To say I’m broken is an understament.
I’ve lost my special boy 6 years ago…..
How do you stop the hurt?!!?
I’ve lost my special boy 6 years ago…..
How do you stop the hurt?!!?
I lost my son the day after his 36th Birthday, killed by a drunk driver. 26 months later, I am still in shock and disbelief that he’s never coming home. I miss him so much and the pain in my heart never leaves. He was such a wonderful young man, incredibly smart, talented and funny. He always kept my spirits up and encouraged me to take strides in my life to make positive changes. I was so blessed to have him in my life. I’m just so lost without him. RIP Daniel
I lost my cousin 5 months ago. She’s 22 year old architecture student. She was smart and creative. She was fun, lovely, supportive,… we shared lots of unforgettable happy memories since we were kids. I miss her a lot.
I’m writing with tears falling, and with a heartache. I love her a lot.
We had lots of plans together. Sometimes i hardly believe that someone with her energy and passion can just die and leave.
I lost my cousin 5 months ago. She’s 22 year old architecture student. She was smart and creative. She was fun, lovely, supportive,… we shared lots of unforgettable happy memories since we were kids. I miss her a lot.
I’m writing with tears falling, and with a heartache. I love her a lot.
We had lots of plans together. Sometimes i hardly believe that someone with her energy and passion can just die and leave.
On November 14th 2020 my whole world was shattered with this pandemic of covid going around I’d never thought in a million yrs it would ever hit home as we were cautious about the whole situation it still robbed me of my best friend, soulmate, lover, father, my husband. We had been together for 27yrs never spend more than 2 days apart he was 54 yrs old. Grief has many roles and I think I’ve been through them all and then it’s a repeat. These quotes are beautiful ❤️ some days it gets me through and then there’s days I just don’t anything. thank you for putting these out here. Its truly appreciated
I lost my beloved husband of 15 years on December 23, 2020. So sudden and very unexpected. We both worked from home for 11 years and we spent most our of days together. We go on our weekly dates every Friday while our kids are at school. It’s tough to move on with my life and I felt like I died too. I pray that each one of us here will find comfort with love and support from our love ones that are still here with us. I will miss him so much and forever love him. ❤️
I lost my best friend this week. I cannot believe that I will never see him again. It hurts so much. Thank you for putting up these quotes…they helped. My heart goes out to all of those who post here. May you all find peace and comfort.
I lost my boyfriend who is the father of our unborn child now three months now,i miss him day by day
I lost my best friend of 20 years on February 12th of 2021. She died of an overdose after struggling with addiction for so long. She was the closest thing next to family to me. She was sick and would go away a lot but always came back. I can’t comprehend that this time she isn’t coming back, it doesn’t make sense. She was only 29. I miss my friend so much I just would give anything in the whole world to talk to her just one last time and hug her. God I miss her so much.
I lost my Udi uncle just 5 days back 30th april 2021 , who was such a sweet heart , incredible person , very kind hearted ,such a humble nature , was so helpful to everyone , i can never have another person like him in this world , i love him to the core , lost him forever n ever , i could’nt even see his face for the last , I am broken , tears roll down every second. he could have been saved.. it’s so unfortunate to loose him. Rest in peace Udi mama , I can never forget you in my life…. always your loving ….ani
Lost my wife of 25 years to Alzheimer’s on April 24. She was only 69. I went to sleep a husband and caregiver. When I woke up, I was a widower. Everywhere I go she’s both in my broken heart and gone from my sight. As the quote says, “get up, survive, go back to bed”.
I lost my husband one month ago today. We were together 41 years we were best of friends. His death was not anticipated but a sudden death in the hospital. My whole life has collapsed I can’t imagine moving forward. Family and friends support makes me more lonely. My question why hasn’t been answered yet and I don’t think it’ll ever be. Your heart is in pieces how do you explain??
It’ll be 2 years in the next 4 days that my soulmate was taken from me. His baby brother was taken last year. My world has been flipped ever since losing him, just irresponsible and despondent. Empty, heartbroken, angry, sad, lonely, regretful, defeated and most of all a sense of hopelessness. I’m now understanding at age 27 just how some people’s lose their zest for life or desire to succeed and contribute something meaningful; build your legacy. Life has a way of doing that. Crushed inside and smiling on the outside, idk if it’s weird to say but i find some solace knowing that I’m not alone; yet understanding just how complex, personal and individualized each persons grief may be. One day at a time, just praying for better days and strength to continue the fight. You left and took a vital part of me with you, forever scarred I will be. Stained by every memory, bittersweet and sacred but also a constant torment. I missed you then, I miss you now, I’ll miss you forever
I lost my husband 3years ago living me with a 3 months old baby and 2other children due to liver failure . I can’t stop thinking about him he meant the whole world to me?
I just recently lost my mom few days ago due to covid complications I’d still can’t believe it , I will be missing her everyday, every second, every minutes and every hour . I miss you mom and I love you so much may you rest in peace in heaven and please watch over me and guide me. my heart aches so much that I think I can’t breathe.
I lost my mama five years ago today and the pain just don’t stop . I was the youngest child she was my best friend I just can’t get over this it hurts ever day . I look around and see people moving and going on with their life but I’m just here a passenger in my own body until the day I can see her .
I lost my wife Eileen on July 4th 2020 and all these quotes are something we bereaved all feel and understand,I have tried to be brave for my daughters sake but am really losing the battle ,I miss her so much every day ,I will try to progress but think it’s beyond me ,only living for the rest of my family but so feel I could pass as it will be less painful for me ,everyone stay well x
I lost my husband a year ago and my life is in shambles now. Nothing can ease the the pain the loss and none can understand this. People can just do lip service by saying we are with you. You are not alone. But when i really need them no ones around. Thats reality
I love these quotes I lost someone that I’m not supposed to love. My husbands best friend the man I thought I would spend the rest of my life with. If the time was right. I’m a horrible person I know. But nobody knows how much I miss him because how could they it was a secret right? I just mourn on my own and hurt on my own because there is no other way…
Thank you for these quotes. My story is too new, too raw, to share, but these quotes definitely turned on the waterworks. I’m hoping that I can use them as a screen saver, and they will help.
I came here looking at quotes because I lost my dog, whom I loved like a child.
I’ve read every comment here and I wanted to say to all of you that I am truly sorry for your loss. I pray that the Lord comforts you and gives you peace.
God bless.
I came here looking at quotes because I lost my dog, whom I loved like a child.
I’ve read every comment here and I wanted to say to all of you that I am truly sorry for your loss. I pray that the Lord comforts you and gives you peace.
God bless.