35 More Hilarious Funeral Humor Memes

It’s important to remember, especially for those of us in the funeral profession, that life in all its circumstances (including death) is bizarre. People are quirky, life is short, and just as there are times for deep pondering on the meaning of it all, there are also times for sitting back and laughing at it all.

Below you’ll find a collection of hilariously dark funeral memes to add a lighthearted perspective on what is a very serious part of every one of our lives. Humor can be a great tool in just about any situation help process emotionally, gain perspective, relieve stress, and see things in a fresh way. So it is in that vein that, in addition to our popular post 20 Hilarious Funeral Memes, we offer you these 35 More Hilarious Funeral Humor Memes.

1. Beware of the…

Funeral Memes

2. For Sale: Casket, Gently Used

Funeral Humor Memes

3. It’s a Dead End. Get it? Dead. End.

Funeral Puns and Memes

4. The Outdoorsy Funeral Director

Outdoorsy Emo Meme

5. Cremation as a Last Resort

Funeral and Cremation Humor

6. Dark Humor: It’s Not For Everyone

Funeral Humor

7. Last Words

Funeral memes

8. …And Vice Versa

Funeral memes

9. Down Time for Death

Funeral and Death Humor

10. Death Works from Home

Funeral Memes - Dark Humor

11. Funeral or Art Opening: A Handy Venn Diagram

Morbid Funeral Humor

12. Drive Carefully

Funeral Humor Memes

13. Directions to the Mortuary

Mortuary Humor

14. Maybe a Little Too Quiet…

Cemetery Humor

15. Funeral Director Humor

Funeral Humor

16. If There’s Going to Be a Zombie Apocalypse…

Funeral Funnies
17. Funeral Directors Put the Fun in Funeral


18. Mortician Humor

Morticial Funeral Meme

19. Party Like a Mortician

party like a mortician

20. Bring Your Child to Work Day

Dark Funeral Humor

21. Embalming Humor

Funeral Memes

22. National Mortician’s Day: Buy Local

Dark humor

23. Just Being Honest

Funeral Funnies

24. Mom Gets Her Revenge

Mom's Revenge

25. We Don’t Understand Death

Funeral and Death Humor

26. Spoken By a True Fan

Funeral Humor

27. A Strange Sort of Optimist

Funeral Funnies

28. Dark Humor: Punctuation Saves Lives

Let's eat Grandma

29. Funeral Humor: I Don’t Know What to Say

Sorry for your loss meme

30. Hearse Humor: Carpool Lane

Funeral Humor
31. His & Hearse

Funeral Humor

32. Last Responder

Hearse Humor

33.  Keep the Nosy Neighbors Guessing

Funeral Humor

34. Headstones Are Expensive

Funeral and death humor

35. Case in Point

Funny Funeral Memes

Don’t forget to check out the original 20 Hilarious Funeral Memes!

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Daniel Szczesniak

Daniel has been working in the funeral industry since 2010, speaking directly to grieving families as they made funeral arrangements. He began researching and publishing funeral articles on this website as part of his role as product and marketing manager...

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