The 5 Best Funeral Blogs (That Post Regularly)

I do a lot of writing about funeral topics, so I keep up on funeral blogs, industry news, trends, and the questions people are asking about end of life issues. Below are five of my favorite funeral blogs that actually post regularly.

If you were to follow some of these funeral blogs, you’ll learn things that are truly fascinating. And not just about funeral industry news, although they certainly do cover a lot of that. Rather, if you follow each of the funeral blogs listed below, you’ll educate yourself about the deathcare industry with an inside scoop. You’ll learn how to effectively plan a funeral for yourself or a loved one. You’ll see a little bit of the day-to-day life of industry professionals.

Plus, you’ll also have great fodder for cocktail parties and workplace water cooler conversations. (Or pub crawls and your Twitter feed. Whatever.)

So here are the best funeral blogs. These are the sites that are constantly throwing down new content full of insider information, fascinating insights into the human condition, and useful tips for funeral planning.

The 5 Best Funeral Blogs


Audience: General public, funeral professionals

Focus: Answers for people asking questions about funerals and funeral products

Post frequency: Once a week or so

We have to give ourselves a shoutout. With a new post pretty much every week for the past five years, US Urns Online is one of the most reliably consistent funeral blogs in the industry. We started just writing about cremation urns over eight years ago, but the blog has grown and morphed into an information hub for all things funeral.

You will find practical guides on topics ranging from What to Wear to a Funeral to Actually Free Funeral Program Templates. There are also loads of quirky and fascinating topics like 27 Things to Do With Cremated Remains and 20 Hilarious Funeral Memes.

Check out our latest posts here.

2. IDODEATH.COM (I Do Death)

Audience: General public, funeral directors

Focus: Contemplating life from the viewpoint of a funeral director

Post frequency: Typically once a week

Shannan is a licensed funeral director in the LA area. For I Do Death, she uses her day job as a springboard to talk about life, death, and the importance of caring for others during the most difficult of times.

This is one of my favorite funeral blogs. You can tell that, while the responsibilities of a funeral director can be heavy, Shannan enjoys her work and truly cares for the families she serves.

She’s not going to give you news of industry trends and company mergers, or guides on funeral planning and choosing a casket. The other blogs on this list have all that. Instead, I Do Death is a place to think about people within the context of funerals. Shannon writes with pathos, finding inspiration from thinking about the cemetery as a quiet, peaceful park or talking about the question every mourner learns to hate. Reading the writings of a funeral director, you’ll pick up inside information, but the blog is mainly about people and that is what makes it so worthwhile.

You can read her latest posts here.


Audience: Funeral directors, funeral consumers

Focus: Funeral industry trends, news, insights, and tips

Post frequency: 1-2 new posts per week

Funeral One’s blog is perhaps the most frequently updated funeral blog in the industry. They typically publish a new post at least once a week, more often then not twice. Their angle is to educate and equip funeral directors with industry news and insights, informing funeral professionals in their roles as a business and as service providers.

Their articles tend to focus on how funeral professionals can adapt to the changing times. One typical post is entitled, “11 Tweets About Traditional Funerals That Show Things Are Definitely Changing…” The featured tweets emphasize trends like compost burial, throwing a remembrance party instead of a funeral, and rebellion against the high costs of funerals. It’s an intriguing article because it highlights contemporary funeral trends by quoting opinions from actual Twitter users.

Other topics include “7 Easy Ways to Increase Family Satisfaction At Your Funeral Home” and “The Funeral Director Job Description of the Future.” It’s a great source to keep your finger on the pulse of the funeral industry.

Check out their newest posts here.

4. CONNECTINGDIRECTORS.COM (Connecting Directors)

Audience: Funeral directors and industry professionals

Focus: Funeral industry news, information, and trends

Post frequency: 2-4 times per week

Connecting Directors, as you can tell from the name, is primarily aimed at funeral directors. Their topics are all about the latest industry news.

Their blog publishes articles multiple times per week, and often include sponsored posts which are essentially advertisements for a particular firm, product, or service. That’s fine, and can actually be pretty helpful in understanding the ways your business can better serve your customers. They also feature quite a few headlines of interest for funeral directors, culled from major newspapers and the wider media, and publish a video podcast that tackles pretty much every topic in the industry.

The blog is a valuable resource, but sometimes it can be hard to find the information that’s actually helpful among all the noise. But that could just be my personal preference; because I’m not a funeral director, some of the news is irrelevant to me.

Still, no matter your place in the funeral industry, there’s plenty of fascinating info for everyone on their blog. Recent articles I enjoyed include:

If you work for a funeral home, or if you work closely with funeral directors, you will definitely want to follow the Connecting Directors funeral blog.

Catch up with their latest posts here.


Audience: Funeral directors and the general public

Focus: Industry news, funeral tips, interesting articles for both funeral directors and the general public

Post frequency: 2-3 times per week

Frazer Consultants has all sorts of products and services that are of value to a funeral home. Their blog, however, covers all that and a whole lot more.

You’ll find quirky funeral news items like, “Burglars Take Advantage of Funeral Announcements,” cultural commentary on Will Smith’s new show about bucket lists, helpful Resources to Share with Families Grieving a Death by Suicide, and insider-focused tips like Nutritious (and Delicious) Meals for Busy Funeral Directors.

It’s a well-rounded funeral blog that covers a wide variety of topics without straying too far from their core audience of funeral directors and consumers. You can find their latest posts here.

Those are my five favorite funeral blogs, some of the best in the business. I hope you benefit greatly from all the great resources!

Of course, those aren’t the only good funeral blogs out there.

More Funeral Blogs

Here are a few more great funeral blogs that I enjoy and find informative. Some don’t post quite as regularly, while others are a little off-the-wall. Some are full of detail but a little dry or just super-niche. Others are well-written and regularly updated but focus on slightly different topics, like grief

Still, if you need more funeral reading material in addition to the five best funeral blogs listed above, you’ll benefit from reading or following these ones.


Funeral Blogs
Photo of author


Daniel Szczesniak

Daniel has been working in the funeral industry since 2010, speaking directly to grieving families as they made funeral arrangements. He began researching and publishing funeral articles on this website as part of his role as product and marketing manager...

12 thoughts on “The 5 Best Funeral Blogs (That Post Regularly)”

  1. Thanks for sharing the best blogs with us. about urns. these help me a lot for choosing a perfect urn.

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  3. Thank you for sharing such helpful information. I believe this will help a lot of individuals to cop up help them to deal with these hard times.

  4. Thanks for sharing an informative post. A funeral service is a special time for family and friends to comfort one another, begin to find healing and celebrate a life well-lived. I really enjoyed your post. All the mentioned blogs are full of information.

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