6 Eerily Beautiful Abandoned Funeral Homes & Morgues

These six eerily beautiful abandonded funeral homes and morgues each tell an interesting story.

1. J. Grimes & Sons, Undertakers & More

J. Grimes and his sons did it all – sellers of merchandise, undertakers, funeral directors, embalmers… Nestled in the tiny city of Eagle Harbor in Maryland, the history of this building has been lost in the ages since it was abandoned.

Eerilly beautiful funeral homes

Photo credit: Logan Hicks

2. Dark House – Thessaloniki, Greece

This gothic-style building in Greece used as a funeral home then abandoned. Note the creepy iron bars over the doors.

Abandoned building

Photo credit: Aleksander Hadji

3. Dilapidated Cemetery & Home

A cemetery surrounds this dilapidated home, which was probably used as a morgue or funeral parlor, somewhere in the rural Midwest.

Abandoned funeral homes

Photo credit: unknown

4. Beelitz-Heilstätten – Germany

Mental hospital, military hospital, and sometimes mortuary, the Beelitz-Heilstatten is famous for an early World War I patient – a 27 year old Adolf Hitler.

Abandoned funeral homes

Photo credit: Frits Vrielink

5. St. Peter’s Hospital Mortuary – England

Originally built for wounded soldiers in World War II, and operated until 2009. Located in Chertsey, in the Runnymede borough in Surrey, England, the abandoned mortuary is a popular site for photographers and curious history buffs.

Abandoned Morgues, Funeral Homes

Photo credit: extreme_ironing

6. Library of Dust – Oregon State Hospital

The Oregon State Hospital is home to hundreds of decomposing copper cannisters which contain the unclaimed remains of patients from the state-run psychiatric hospital. Though the hospital mortuary itself is not abandoned, these forgotten urns merit a mention on our list because they are abandoned in the morgue.

Abandoned remains in Oregon Hospital

Photo credit: David Maisel

Photo of author


Daniel Szczesniak

Daniel has been working in the funeral industry since 2010, speaking directly to grieving families as they made funeral arrangements. He began researching and publishing funeral articles on this website as part of his role as product and marketing manager...

4 thoughts on “6 Eerily Beautiful Abandoned Funeral Homes & Morgues”

  1. Those are so neat. Thank u for sharing those with us. I love seeing old houses or places that have been left. They give an interesting story and wonder what happened there and why they just left it. So many interesting things with places like these. Thank u again.

  2. These places are some i would like see. I have always liked old homes. I think these was and still are a beautiful. You do wounder about the people that lived or worked there. What happened to them and why they left it. O the stories they could tell us if they could talk. Thank you for sharring these. I enjoy stuff like this. Thank You Again. 🙂

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